Comedically, this episode is better than the pilot and feels much more like an actual episode of Rick and Morty. Overview: In this episode of Rick and Morty it shows how the rest of the season will look with Beth and Jerry being divorced and makes it an element to the story by showing how it affects Morty and Summer. But, if you stay longer you get to see Jerry get his unemployment check eaten by a wolf which was what might have been the funniest part of the episode. She gives him the skull of someone she killed in the other dimension as a house warming gift and the credits roll. Upon returning to their dimension the robot clones are disabled and Summer decides to go see Jerry at his new place where he moved at the beginning of the episode. Summer and her husband then get into a fight which makes her want to go back to their regular dimension. Now it shows the deathstalkers in a post-apocalyptic version of a civilized society with summer coming home with groceries to a post-apocalyptic suburban neighborhood where her new deathstalker husband is watching the “blood dome playoffs” on t.v. Right before they leave the deathstalkers ask Rick to show them what they could do with the crystal and then it fasts forwards to three weeks later. Rick runs into Morty while Armothy is murdering the boss of his village’s destroyer and then returns the stolen crystal to the deathstalkers. Armothy then goes on a rampage killing him and then proceeding to tracking down and killing the man’s boss where he then shrinks back down, giving Morty his arm back. During this time Morty is still fighting in the blood dome when Armothy notices a man in the audience who was responsible for destroying his village. Rick then escapes back to his dimension, but Beth asks where the kids are so Rick is forced to build life like robots of them to occupy her while he gets them back.

“Armothy” (Morty’s infused arm) then hits Rick’s bag revealing the deathstalkers stolen crystal which leads to them chasing him. By the time Rick gets the rare element from the deathstalkers, Morty and Summer don’t want to leave. Meanwhile, Summer goes off scavenging with the deathstalkers and builds a relationship with one of them. This makes his arm large and muscular so that he can fight in the “blood dome,” which is a fight to the death arena, to occupy the deathstalkers while rick steals their rare element. It is there where Rick infuses Morty’s arm with the muscle memory of the severed arm of a deathstalker (person who lives in that dimension). While there, Summer and Morty use the post-apocalyptic lifestyle as an unhealthy coping mechanism to deal with their parents divorce. In the episode, Rick takes Summer and Morty to a post-apocalyptic dimension to obtain a powerful element.

Season 3 episode 2 of Rick and Morty first aired on July 30th and mostly takes place in a post-apocalyptic dimension. This review contains spoilers for Rick and Morty